j/ms 28.10.1878-?after aug 1942

04/02/2025 sometimes the sun shines through the window and hits the sepia-toned portrait of a stranger (*1878) on my shelf and lights up his face and makes me cry

02/01/2025 i sought company, i sought tenderness, and i called out. at first it was sweet, i'd never known such bliss… then it turned to torture. he is my shame, he is my melancholy, he stalks me in my dreams, all my sleeping thoughts are of him, every night

25/12/2024 the worse things get, the harder i fight, the harder i fight, the more i love you

08/12/2024 you're the only one i want and i've never heard your name let's hope we meet some day if we don't it's all the same i'll meet the ones between us and be thinking about you and all the places i have seen and why you were not there

07/12/2024 for now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. now i know in part; then i shall know fully, even as i am fully known

28/11/2024 when you find me i will put my head in your lap and both of our hearts will break

15/11/2024 You're not going to find the love of your life in real life

28/10/2024 what can i hold you with? i offer you lean streets, desperate sunsets, the moon of the jagged suburbs, the bitterness of a man who has looked long and long at the lonely moon. i offer you my ancestors, my dead men, the loyalty of a man who has never been loyal. i offer you the memory of a yellow rose seen at sunset, years before you were born. i offer you explanations of yourself, theories about yourself, authentic and surprising news of yourself. i can give you my loneliness, my darkness, the hunger of my heart; i am trying to bribe you with uncertainty, with danger, with defeat. happy 146

24/10/2024 pictures hanging in a hallway and the fragment of a song half remembered names and faces but to whom do they belong ... the autumn leaves were turning to the colour of his hair

22/10/2024 i've been in love with the same person for 3000 years

22/09/2024 all that energy and activity wasted to find somebody who had in reality been dead for so long, for whom the time of the present was little more than a process of slow physical dissolution, and of the mindless lack of identity of the missing person so long called by name the very appearance of life itself of time in the present is stripped away and we feel in its place the presence of graves beneath the bright sunlight; the present fades to little more than a dusty once-lived moment which will quickly take its place in the back years of an old newspaper file. fredric jameson. happy st maurice day

15/09/2024 i hope one day my wikipedia page links to yours

13/09/2024 8000 layers of inyeon over 8000 lifetimes

11/09/2024 the growing good of the world is partly dependent on unhistoric acts; and that things are not so ill with you and me as they might have been is half owing to the number who lived faithfully a hidden life, and rest in unvisited tombs

10/09/2024 someone will care about this please let somebody care about this please let this matter

08/09/2024 klavírista, žonglér, kapsář, profesionální hráč - vím jen že má každý z prstů přiložený na spoušti myšlenek které nechci svěřit ani bohu co prý odpouští

03/09/2024 ...because they represent memories that may no longer be tied to the living. i try to be that tie

19/08/2024 the two forces directing my life are passion and loneliness i'm doomed because they rule over me and intertwine in everything i do everything i like and every choice i make

05/08/2024 i crafted you amid joy and amid sorrows: out of so much that happened, out of so many things. and you've been wholly remade as feeling; for me (i'm sorry)

02/08/2024 baby one night somebody going to strike a match on a tombstone and read your name

16/07/2024 to see everything from the perspective of eternity

13/07/2024 still the old hint of the riddle's form corrupts these questions by re-echoing the most fundamental lesson: there must be an answer. from there comes torment

28/06/2024 i've been leading the life of a dog / you have the morals of an alley cat

22/06/2024 curly hair teasing round your ears with a heavy booted walk tapping low funk blues

22/06/2024 as above, so below

20/06/2024 you didn't love him or you only loved him so you could be generous and forgiving

16/06/2024 paintings aren't real, a subject of a painted portrait could be a completely made up character for all i know but every single photograph is undeniably a person with a life as complex as mine

02/06/2024 boardinghouse with no visible address

20/05/2024 on my shelf in an emerald green frame with golden borders i keep a photo of a man born in 1878 on the opposite side of the world because he led me to the life path i'm now on, i think about him everywhere i go and everything reminds me of him. i've never been so deeply in love. it's a mugshot

15/04/2024 "lost love thing" Me + an imagined idea of a man using an image of another that i greedily tore out of his world and put into mine because i found his face pleasant. Tragic, Cursed, Haunted by him. 1. get over yourself 2. you started it 3. do you blame him???

14/04/2024 why do you seek the living among the dead?

29/03/2024 i thought i was linked invisibly to another's life but i found myself more alone with him than without him (i thought i was wounded to the core but i was only bruised)

27/03/2024 love for you is larger than the usual romantic love it's like a religion it's terrifying no one will ever want to sleep with you

25/03/2024 the most tender place in my heart is for strangers

22/03/2024 just when i thought i couldn't feel more i feel a little more (understanding, love without measure)

21/03/2024 the only way of knowing a person is to love that person without hope

07/03/2024 aby na nic a na nikoho nebylo zapomenuto

06/03/2024 i have been many people but i have always been desire

03/03/2024 chci ti všechno říct a pak se někam schovat nemáš slov patrně všechna patří jiným … i have clung to nothing loved a nothing nothing seen or felt but a great dream

25/02/2024 maurice you will always be famous (in wordle)

23/02/2024 how odd i can have all this inside me and to you it's just words

13/02/2024 i can't turn a corner or walk down the street without seeing your face come along last born son…never thought it'd be me that you'd haunt

01/02/2024 nearer, my god, to thee (maurice for mrs. norah lang, 1915)

28/01/2024 how could i lose when i exist in something i made?

26/01/2024 days will pass and you'll abandon things you were addicted to and leave someone and cancel a dream and finally, accept a reality

20/01/2024 in the places of young men i never will be found but think you not that i don't love for my heart is ripe and full / how cold you are i guess you must not care for me but tell me where it is you'd go for i'd take you anywhere / then come to a forest green where i may love you free beyond the confines of your walls and beyond the sweetest words … but know that i love you tearful one much more than i can show

29/12/2023 because our conversations were few (he phoned me maybe 5 times in 22 years) i study his sentences the ones i remember as if i'd been asked to translate them

16/12/2023 we cannot bring back to life those whom we find cast ashore in the archives but this is not a reason to make them suffer a second death

15/12/2023 beware of the dreams of others because if you are caught in their dream you are done for

05/12/2023 the right to be forgotten is not a universal right - there are exceptions

28/11/2023 / 2021 / 1903 / 1878 my love mine all mine, maurie

26/11/2023 "how do you remember the memory of somebody else?" and i said because i love him. and he said is that enough? and i said yes

23/11/2023 i conversed with the spirits of the dead for forty years, as with the living

18/11/2023 maurice just turned 20 qld co je to za příběh bez lásky bez milenců nemáš slov patrně všechna patří jiným prosím proměň mě s nimi ve sny v gesta i v činy

13/11/2023 find things on the scrapheap of history that i know don't belong there and salvage them

03/11/2023 i feel like maurice would haunt me if i crossed the line in any way and i dont really feel haunted

13/09/2023 srdce mi búši pre ľudí, ktorých tváre bolo vidieť na policajných výveskách

29/08/2023 microhistorians too like to discuss the rights and wrongs of burglary while jimmying locks but they are equally likely to pretend they were never in the house in the first place or if they were that they had a badge and a search warrant

29/08/2023 we can only speculate—only imagine—but that much, at least, we must try (maurice smith, moritz spitzer july, moritz spitzer october)

22/08/2023 zastesknout si po dávných minulých životech po něčem co neznáš po lesích a horách ameriky whitmana na snídani a třísku v dlani / to zlato klasů na poli pozdního léta ještě neznamená že tady něco musíme jestli je něco nějak tak proto že to tak má být a jestli je něco co chci aby si tohle lidi přečetli po smrti

19/07/2023 10 Goals of Mine (after Erich Friedman): find love, earn a ph.d, have something named after me, get a knihobudka built, have srna follow me back (again), be credited in a movie, get barricade at the windmill, have a work of literature dedicated to me, find maurie's death date, retire

24/04/2023 historians who love too much

16/08/2022 with an evening coat and a white tie, anybody, even a draper, can gain a reputation for being civilized, james smith

15/04/2022 rip to patrick modiano you would've loved raimund werner and maurice smith

13/02/2022 stories about when you passed through town

06/12/2021 nejde zapomenout jak při každém slově přivíráš víčka maurice 1903 jsi mé úzko jsi krev z řezných ran jsi ten kdo vchází nepozván

29/11/2021 printed all the maurice smith content i had and put it in my diary so that im not the last person who thinks about him

28/11/2021 26 years of age, 5 feet 8 inches high, thin build, black curly hair, blinks when talking; dressed in a dark blue-serge suit, red tie, straw hat, and tan boots; carried a green overcoat