i was in a weird location that was a combination of b[redacted]e chateau, spilberk and luzanky (?) and there was some kind of big social event and my entire high school class attended + there were lots of other people . and the goal(?) of this event was to choose someone to marry? and like everyone was Actually trying to marry eachother it was weird! anyways me and classmate LP were talking to these 2 guys in what looked like an elevator? I dont think it was actually moving but it was a rly small elevator shaped and sized space idk . and 1 of the guys looked a bit like the gay greep medina guy i met in september except with fuller hair and no glasses and i ?think? he had a cigarette but im not sure. and we were rly hitting it off like that type of feeling where u meet a new person and everything just Flows and ur almost surprised at how not socially awkward you manage to be . and we were talking abt if this entire marriage thing has an actual purpose and if its worth it etc and we both agreed that Yea probably not idk and it was a rly special feeling cause i think(?) everyone else actually was looking forward to getting married through this event . And so im vibing with this guy and then he says to LP „so, are we doing it?“ and they go off together to get married?????? HELLO????? EXCUSE ME??????? anyways im pissedddddd and the other guy we were talking to couldnt care less abt me (i think he had dark hair and was a bit chubby in the face (in like a faber way) and was wearing a black hoodie but thats the only thing i remember abt him) so i wanted to go find someone from class to hang out with (or leave) but everyone was talking to some guys and then after the event ended everyone was either getting married OR went drinking/to a party (like AK, AB etc) and i was pissed offff and i went to a parking lot and was thinking abt getting into some car(?) and leaving but then i didnt and i walked on the path downhill from my high school to the 3 tram stop (it was this path mixed with the law faculty path . idk) and im p sure i was in a rush? like i was nervous and speedwalking and checking my time etc and i have no idea if i actually went somewhere by public transit bc i was suddenly in a car at a gas station and i think i was still pissed off but im not sure if i left the car or not but i was there for some time and then i was leaving (but i wasnt driving) and i saw…… I saw outside on one of those park benches with wooden tables(?) that hikers have lunches at . I saw RAY O’LEARY AND MEL BRACEWELL??? JUST HANGING OUT??? and i was MEGA PISSED OFFF cause i couldve met them!!!! i was literally at the same gas station as them . Screaming crying etc (im hyperfixated on ray o’leary rn like its SO SERIOUS) and then i somehow realized that im in scotland (?) and that theyre on a scotland tour rn (????) and i was like Nooo why wasnt i looking for them every day i bet i couldve met them!! and i was soooo PISSED OFF AND MAD AND ANGRY and then i woke up . why do all my dreams involve me failing at everything . No rest for me in this world